Drug Description in Trials / DrugBank / KEGG DRUG
Search results
No. | Drug (Description in trials) | DrugBank | KEGG DRUG | KEGG GENES | KEGG PATHWAY | Disease ID |
1 | 98% dehydrated alcohol | [1] Ethanol Ethanol (Multi-Purpose Sanitizing and Cleansing Alcohol Wipes) | [1] Ethanol
| - | - | [1] 298 298 💬
2 | Alcohol | [1] Ethanol Ethanol (Multi-Purpose Sanitizing and Cleansing Alcohol Wipes) | [1] Ethanol
| - | - | [3] 58 58, 279, 298 💬
3 | Dehydrated Alcohol (Absolute Alcohol) BP for Injection | [1] Ethanol Ethanol (Multi-Purpose Sanitizing and Cleansing Alcohol Wipes) | [1] Ethanol
| - | - | [1] 279 279 💬