Drug Description in Trials / DrugBank / KEGG DRUG

Search results

No. Drug (Description in trials) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY Disease ID
1Epanova™ (Omega-3 Free Fatty Acids)[1] Omega-3 fatty acids---[1] 96 💬
2FISH OIL, RICH IN OMEGA-3-ACIDS[2] Fish oil (Omega-3 fish oil),
Omega-3 fatty acids
---[1] 13 💬
3Lipoic acid and omega-3 fatty acids[2] Lipoic acid,
Omega-3 fatty acids
---[1] 13 💬
4Omega-3[1] Omega-3 fatty acids---[7] 13, 46, 49, 66, 79, 96, 299 💬
5Omega-3 and Vitamin E supplementation[2] Omega-3 fatty acids,
Vitamin E (Omega-3 Rx Complete)
[1] Vitamin E 💬 --[1] 46 💬
6Omega-3 fatty acid[1] Omega-3 fatty acids---[2] 46, 66 💬
7Omega-3 fatty acid ethylester90[1] Omega-3 fatty acids---[1] 66 💬
8Omega-3 Fatty Acid Fish Oil Supplement[2] Fish oil (Omega-3 fish oil),
Omega-3 fatty acids
---[1] 66 💬
9Omega-3 fatty acids[1] Omega-3 fatty acids---[2] 13, 79 💬
10Omega-3 triglycerides[1] Omega-3 fatty acids---[1] 299 💬
11OMEGA-3-ACID TRIGLYCERIDES[1] Omega-3 fatty acids---[1] 299 💬
12Triomar™ (omega-3 fatty acids)[1] Omega-3 fatty acids---[1] 13 💬