Drug Description in Trials / DrugBank / KEGG DRUG

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No. Drug (Description in trials) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY Disease ID
1Pancreatic enzyme(Pancreatin Enteric-coated Capsules or Oryz-Aspergillus Enzyme and Pancreatin Table), antidiabetic medicine(Acarbose Tablets, Glucophage, Glimepirde Tablets)[2] Acarbose,
Pancrelipase (Pancreatin and Enzyme Formula - Tablet)
[2] Acarbose ,
Pancrelipase 💬
[5] AMY2A,
[7] Carbohydrate digestion and absorption, Galactose metabolism, Lysosome, Metabolic pathways, Pancreatic secretion, Salivary secretion, Starch and sucrose metabolism 💬[1] 298 💬
2Pancreatin[1] Pancrelipase (Pancreatin and Enzyme Formula - Tablet)[1] Pancrelipase 💬 --[2] 298, 299 💬
3PANCREATIN (PAncreas Powder)[1] Pancrelipase (Pancreatin and Enzyme Formula - Tablet)[1] Pancrelipase 💬 --[1] 299 💬
4PANCREATINA----[1] 299 💬
5PANCREATINA (Páncreas Polvo----[1] 299 💬
6PANCREATINA (Páncreas Polvo)----[1] 299 💬