Drug Description in Trials / DrugBank / KEGG DRUG

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No. DrugBank Drug (Description in trials) KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY Disease ID
1 Allantoin
(Fruit of the Earth Cool Blue Aloe Vera Cooling)
[1] ALLANTOIN[1] Allantoin 💬 --[1] 36 💬
2 Aloe vera leaf [3] Aloe; Aloe vera; Aloe vera gel---[2] 97, 226 💬
3 Ethanol
(Creme 21 hand sanitizer germ protection with aloe vera and glycerin)
[3] Alcohol; Ethanol; PREDNISONE[1] Ethanol 💬 --[5] 58, 97, 279, 280, 298 💬
4 Glycerin
(Anypack Aloe Vera Sheet Mask)
[2] Bee venom; Glycerol[1] Glycerin 💬 --[5] 6, 13, 79, 316, 317 💬
5 Lidocaine
(Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Cool Blue)
[4] Aloe; Lidocaine; Lignocaine; Xylocaine[2] Lidocaine ,
Lidocaine hydrochloride monohydrate 💬
[5] SCN1A,
[3] Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, Dopaminergic synapse, Taste transduction 💬[13] 6, 13, 22, 34, 46, 51, 70, 84, 86, 107, 168, 226, 256 💬
6 Petrolatum
(Banana Boat Aloe Vera Lip Balm Spf30)
[1] Petrolatum[1] Petrolatum 💬 --[1] 158 💬
7 Propylene glycol
(Aloe Vera Sprayer)
[1] Propylene glycol[1] Propylene glycol 💬 --[1] 51 💬
8 Salicylic acid
(Thayers Since 1847 Natural Remedies Blemish Clearing Witch Hazel Aloe Vera Formula Toner)
[2] 2-Hydroxybenzoic acid; Salicylic acid[1] Salicylic acid 💬 --[1] 97 💬
9 Sodium fluoride
(Universal Charcoal With Aloe Vera Anti-cavity Fluoride)
[1] Sodium fluoride[1] Sodium fluoride 💬 --[1] 51 💬
10 Tocopherol
(Aloe Vera Sprayer)
[2] Tocoferol; Tocopherol[1] Tocopherol 💬 --[6] 13, 49, 90, 206, 257, 298 💬
11 Zinc oxide
(Diaper Rash Skin Protectant Crema Cero With Aloe Vera)
[1] Zinc oxide[1] Zinc oxide 💬 --[1] 156 💬