187. Kabuki syndrome Disease details / Clinical trials / Drug dev / DR info

Clinical trials : 4 Drugs : 9 - (DrugBank : 2) / Drug target genes : 2 - Drug target pathways : 11

Drugs and their primary sponsors and trial info
   Maastricht University Medical Centre
      2012   -   EUCTR2012-000432-26-NL   Netherlands;
Modified Atkins diet   
   Hugo W. Moser Research Institute at Kennedy Krieger, Inc.
      2021   Early Phase 1   NCT04722315   United States;
Recombinant DNA-derived human growth hormone   
   Maastricht University Medical Centre
      2012   -   EUCTR2012-000432-26-NL   Netherlands;
   Child Psychopharmacology Institute
      2008   -   NCT00723580   United States;