Drug(薬物リスト) DrugBank | All Description Patterns💬 Info on mouse-over

10 / 17,542 descriptions

No. 薬物名(臨床試験情報から抽出) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
1 Combination fish oil and borage seed oil Fish oil - - - 1件: 46 💬
2 Combination of fish oil and colesevelam Colesevelam 2件: D03582, D07743 💬 - - 1件: 260 💬
3 Fish oil Fish oil - - - 7件: 13, 46, 49, 66, 96, 260, 299 💬
4 Fish oil concentrate Fish oil - - - 1件: 13 💬
5 Fish oil supplement Fish oil - - - 1件: 46 💬
6 Fish oil, gamma-linolenic acid Fish oil 1件: D07213 💬 - - 1件: 46 💬
7 Fish oil, rich in omega-3-acids Fish oil - - - 1件: 13 💬
8 Fish oil,rich in omega 3 acids Fish oil - - - 1件: 13 💬
9 Lipoic acid (la) with fish oil and la without fish oil Fish oil 2件: D00048, D00086 💬 - - 1件: 13 💬
10 Omega-3 fatty acid fish oil supplement Fish oil - - - 1件: 66 💬