[tolvaptan 15]    (DrugBank: Tolvaptan)

3 diseases

67. 多発性嚢胞腎 [臨床試験数:186,薬物数:196(DrugBank:47),標的遺伝子数:35,標的パスウェイ数:146
Searched query = "Polycystic kidney disease", "PKD", "PCKD", "Polycystic kidney", "ADPKD", "ARPKD"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 186 trial found

72. 下垂体性ADH分泌異常症 [臨床試験数:36,薬物数:22(DrugBank:5),標的遺伝子数:2,標的パスウェイ数:4
Searched query = "Pituitary ADH secretion disorder", "Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion", "Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone", "Inappropriate ADH syndrome", "Syndrome of inappropriate ADH", "Central diabetes insipidus", "Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH", "SIADH"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 36 trial found

225. 先天性腎性尿崩症 [臨床試験数:12,薬物数:45(DrugBank:17),標的遺伝子数:30,標的パスウェイ数:63
Searched query = "Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus", "Hereditary nephrogenic diabetes insipidus", "Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 12 trial found