Metformina - 500 30 compresse 500 mg    (DrugBank: Metformina)

1 disease

113. 筋ジストロフィー [臨床試験数:567,薬物数:442(DrugBank:93),標的遺伝子数:55,標的パスウェイ数:151
Searched query = "Muscular dystrophy", "Dystrophinopathies", "Myotilinopathy", "Laminopathy", "Caveolinopathy", "LGMD1C", "Desminopathy", "Sarcoglycanopathy", "α-dystroglycanopathy", "FCMD", "Walker-Warburg syndrome", "Muscle-eye-brain disease", "Myotonic dystrophy", "Integrin α7 deficient CMD", "Rigid spine syndrome"
The queries were searched in Public_title, Scientific_title, and Condition. Export date: . Trials are sorted by Date_enrollment from most recent to oldest in the table.
0 / 567 trial found