Drug    DrugBank | All Description Patterns💬 Info on mouse-over

24 / 17,542 descriptions

No. Drug (Description in trials) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY
On map, Yellow: Drug target genes
Disease ID
 1  A multicenter access and distribution protocol for unlicensed cryopreserved cord blood units (cbus)  [1] 60 💬 
 2  Ada umbilical cord blood cells  [1] 65 💬 
 3  Autologous (self) mononuclear cells derived from umbilical cord blood  [1] 211 💬 
 4  Autologous human placental cord blood mononuclear cells  [1] 211 💬 
 5  Autologous umbilical cord blood  [2] 211, 294 💬 
 6  Cord blood  [1] 60 💬 
 7  Cord blood therapy  Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells  [2]  2 ,  6  💬 
 8  Cord blood transplant  [1] 60 💬 
 9  Cord blood units  [1] 60 💬 
 10  Human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells  [1] 36 💬 
 11  Procedure: bone marrow or umbilical cord blood (ucg) stem cell transplantation  [1] 36 💬 
 12  Procedure: cord blood  [1] 60 💬 
 13  Procedure: cord blood infusion  [1] 60 💬 
 14  Procedure: stem cell or umbilical cord blood transplantation  [1] 326 💬 
 15  Procedure: umbilical cord blood therapy  Umbilical Cord Blood Hematopoietic Stem Cells  [2]  2 ,  6  💬 
 16  Procedure: umbilical cord blood transplantation  [5] 60, 65, 284, 285, 326 💬 
 17  Subretinal injection of umbilical cord blood platelet-rich plasma (cb-prp)  [1] 90 💬 
 18  Umbilical cord blood  [1] 60 💬 
 19  Umbilical cord blood after myeloablative conditioning  [1] 60 💬 
 20  Umbilical cord blood after reduced-intensity conditioning  [1] 60 💬 
 21  Umbilical cord blood transplantation  [1] 60 💬 
 22  Umbilical cord blood unit  [1] 333 💬 
 23  Unrelated cord blood  [1] 65 💬 
 24  Unrelated umbilical cord blood transplant  [1] 19 💬 

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