Target Gene/Pathway Pathway / Gene

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On map, Yellow: Drug target, Red: All disease-related
KEGG GENES KEGG DRUG DrugBank 指定難病告示番号
1 Complement and coagulation cascades 💬
1件: SERPINC1 💬 Adomiparin 💬 Enoxaparin 1件: 46 💬
2 Complement and coagulation cascades 💬
1件: SERPINC1 💬 Adomiparin 💬 Heparin 11件: 47, 60, 70, 84, 107, 224, 226, 280, 299, 316, 317 💬
3 Complement and coagulation cascades 💬
1件: SERPINC1 💬 Adomiparin 💬 Parnaparin 1件: 97 💬
4 Complement and coagulation cascades 💬
2件: SERPINC1, SERPIND1 💬 Sulodexide 💬 Sulodexide 2件: 51, 271 💬