331. 特発性多中心性キャッスルマン病 Idiopathic multicentric castleman disease Clinical trials / Disease details

臨床試験数 : 33 薬物数 : 41 - (DrugBank : 21) / 標的遺伝子数 : 22 - 標的パスウェイ数 : 123

7 trials found
March 31, 202125/2/2021Siltuximab In Siltuximab-RElapsed/REfractory Multicentric CAstleman DiseaseA Phase 2 Study of Intrapatient Siltuximab Dose Escalation in Patients With Idiopathic Multicentric Castleman Disease That Has Progressed After Prior Siltuximab TreatmentIdiopathic Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseDrug: SiltuximabEusaPharma (UK) LimitedNULLTerminated12 YearsN/AAll22Phase 2United States
15/02/201301/08/2012A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment with Siltuximab in Patients with Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseAn Open-label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment with Siltuximab in Subjects with Multicentric Castleman's Disease Multicentric Castleman's Disease
MedDRA version: 14.1;Level: PT;Classification code 10050251;Term: Castleman's disease;System Organ Class: 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) ;Therapeutic area: Diseases [C] - Cancer [C04]
Product Name: CNTO328
Product Code: CNTO328
Other descriptive name: SILTUXIMAB
Janssen-Cilag International N.V.NULLNot Recruiting Female: yes
Male: yes
75 Human pharmacology (Phase 1): no Therapeutic exploratory (Phase 2): yes Therapeutic confirmatory - (Phase 3): no Therapeutic use (Phase 4): noUnited States;Hong Kong;Taiwan;Spain;Israel;United Kingdom;Egypt;France;Canada;Belgium;Brazil;Singapore;Germany;Norway;New Zealand;China;Korea, Republic of
17/12/201223/07/2012A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment with Siltuximab in Patients with Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseAn Open-label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment with Siltuximab in Subjects with Multicentric Castleman's Disease Multicentric Castleman's Disease
MedDRA version: 17.0;Level: PT;Classification code 10050251;Term: Castleman's disease;System Organ Class: 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps);Therapeutic area: Diseases [C] - Cancer [C04]
Product Name: CNTO328
Product Code: CNTO328
Other descriptive name: SILTUXIMAB
Janssen-Cilag International N.V.NULLNot RecruitingFemale: yes
Male: yes
75Phase 2United States;Taiwan;Hong Kong;Spain;Israel;United Kingdom;Egypt;France;Canada;Belgium;Brazil;Singapore;Norway;Germany;New Zealand;China;Korea, Republic of
29/11/201226/09/2012A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment with Siltuximab in Patients with Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseAn Open-label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment with Siltuximab in Subjects with Multicentric Castleman's Disease Multicentric Castleman's Disease
MedDRA version: 15.0;Level: PT;Classification code 10050251;Term: Castleman's disease;System Organ Class: 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps);Therapeutic area: Diseases [C] - Cancer [C04]
Product Name: CNTO328
Product Code: CNTO328
INN or Proposed INN: NA
Other descriptive name: SILTUXIMAB
Janssen-Cilag International N.V.NULLNot RecruitingFemale: yes
Male: yes
80Phase 2United States;Hong Kong;Taiwan;Spain;Israel;United Kingdom;Egypt;France;Canada;Belgium;Brazil;Singapore;Germany;Norway;New Zealand;China;Korea, Republic of
21/11/201219/09/2012A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment with Siltuximab in Patients with Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseAn Open-label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment with Siltuximab in Subjects with Multicentric Castleman's Disease Multicentric Castleman's Disease
MedDRA version: 17.0;Level: PT;Classification code 10050251;Term: Castleman's disease;System Organ Class: 10029104 - Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps);Therapeutic area: Diseases [C] - Cancer [C04]
Product Name: CNTO328
Product Code: CNTO328
Other descriptive name: SILTUXIMAB
Janssen-Cilag International N.V.NULLNot RecruitingFemale: yes
Male: yes
75Phase 2United States;Taiwan;Hong Kong;Spain;Israel;United Kingdom;Egypt;France;Canada;Belgium;Brazil;Singapore;Norway;Germany;New Zealand;China;Korea, Republic of
April 1, 201121/4/2011A Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment With Siltuximab in Patients With Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseAn Open-label, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Safety of Long-term Treatment With Siltuximab in Subjects With Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseMulticentric Castleman's DiseaseDrug: SiltuximabJanssen Research & Development, LLCNULLCompleted18 YearsN/AAll60Phase 2United States;Belgium;Brazil;Canada;China;Egypt;France;Germany;Hong Kong;Israel;Korea, Republic of;New Zealand;Norway;Singapore;Spain;Taiwan;United Kingdom
March 18, 201030/11/2009A Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of CNTO328 Plus Best Supportive Care in Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseA Randomized, Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Study to Assess the Efficacy and Safety of CNTO 328 (Anti IL 6 Monoclonal Antibody) Plus Best Supportive Care Compared With Best Supportive Care in Subjects With Multicentric Castleman's DiseaseMulticentric Castleman's DiseaseDrug: Siltuximab;Drug: Placebo;Drug: Best Supportive Care (BSC)Janssen Research & Development, LLCNULLCompleted18 YearsN/AAll79Phase 2United States;Australia;Belgium;Brazil;Canada;China;Egypt;France;Germany;Hong Kong;Hungary;India;Israel;Korea, Republic of;Malaysia;Netherlands;New Zealand;Norway;Russian Federation;Singapore;Spain;Taiwan;United Kingdom;Jordan;Poland