Assessment of indication and efficacy of anti-viral therapy based on mucosal PCR assay in active UC patients with CMV infection. Assessment of indication and efficacy of anti-viral therapy based on mucosal PCR assay in active UC ...
Assessment of indication and efficacy of anti-viral therapy based on mucosal PCR assay in active UC patients with CMV infection. - Assessment of indication and efficacy of anti-viral therapy based on mucosal PCR assay in active UC patients with CMV infection. Assessment of indication and efficacy of anti-viral therapy based on mucosal PCR assay in active UC ...
Ulcerative colitis
Additional immunosuppressive therapies combined with anti-viral therapy (Ganciclovir 5mg/kg, twice a day, 2weeks) Additional immunosuppressive therapies without administration of ganciclovirAdditional immunosuppressive therapies combined with anti-viral therapy (Ganciclovir5mg/kg, twice a ...
Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto University Hospital
The efficacy of treatmenst with both Ganciclovir and GMAA for patients with ulcerative colitis concomitant cytomegalovirus infection The efficacy of treatmenst with both Ganciclovirand GMAA for patients with ulcerative colitis concom ...
The efficacy of treatmenst with both Ganciclovir and GMAA for patients with ulcerative colitis concomitant cytomegalovirus infection - KIBDG-Protocol 1 The efficacy of treatmenst with both Ganciclovirand GMAA for patients with ulcerative colitis concom ...
Ulcerative colitis
A Group: Ganciclovir monotherapy B Group: Ganciclovir and GMAA combination therapy C Group: GMAA monotherapy A Group: Ganciclovirmonotherapy B Group: Ganciclovirand GMAA combination therapy C Group: GMAA monothe ...
Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Gastroenterology and Hepatology