53. シェーグレン症候群 Sjogren syndrome Clinical trials / Disease details

臨床試験数 : 283 薬物数 : 320 - (DrugBank : 101) / 標的遺伝子数 : 56 - 標的パスウェイ数 : 181

10 trials found
August 202126/1/2020the Effect of Mixture of Natural Products As Salivary Substitutes in Treatment Of Xerostomiathe Effect of Mixture of Natural Products As Salivary Substitute In Comparison To Carboxy Methyl Cellulose In Treatment Of Xerostomia In Patients With Sjogren's Syndrome: Cross Over Randomized Clinical TrialSjogren's Syndrome;XerostomiaOther: natural herbs of coconut, aloe vera, and pepperint;Other: carboxy methyl celluloseCairo UniversityNULLNot yet recruiting18 Years80 YearsAll44Phase 3NULL
March 13, 202023/12/2012Rebamipide AND Sjögren SyndromeRebamipide for the Treatment of Xerostomia in Sjögren SyndromeImproving Symptoms of Dry Mouth in Sjogren's SyndromeDrug: RebamipideUniversity of AlexandriaNULLRecruitingN/AN/AAll55N/AEgypt
2013/05/1515/05/2013Effective treatment of rebamipide on xerostomia in Sjogrens syndrome patients:a pilot study -a double-blind placebo-controlled trial- Xerostomia in Sjogrens syndromeRebamipide was administered orally at 100 mg each time three times a day after meals for 8 weeks.
Placebo was administered orally three times a day after meals for 8 weeks.
Tochigi medical centerNULLComplete: follow-up complete20years-old80years-oldMale and Female60Phase 2Japan
January 1, 201318/5/2018Quality of Life and Sjögren SyndromeQuality of Life in a Portuguese Population With Primary Sjögren SyndromeXerostomia;Hyposalivation;Quality of Life;Sjogren's SyndromeDrug: Xeros;Drug: Citric Acid based MouthwashGrupo de Investigação em Bioquímica e Biologia OralUniversity of Lisbon;Portuguese Institute of Rheumatology;Dentaid SLCompleted18 YearsN/AAll289Phase 4NULL
March 201114/5/2012Green Tea Lozenges for the Management of Dry MouthA Natural Formulation for Patients Diagnosed With XerostomiaXerostomia;Sjogren Syndrome;Dry MouthDietary Supplement: MighTeaFlow;Dietary Supplement: XylitolAugusta UniversityGlaxoSmithKlineCompleted18 Years75 YearsAll60Phase 1/Phase 2United States
November 20106/6/2011An Evaluation of the Impact of a Single Dose of P-552 on Oral Mucosal WetnessAn Evaluation of the Impact of a Single Dose of P-552 on Oral Mucosal Wetness in Subjects With Xerostomia Related to Sjogren's SyndromeXerostomia;Sjogren's SyndromeDrug: P-552;Drug: PlaceboParion SciencesNULLCompleted18 YearsN/AAll24Phase 1/Phase 2United States
February 200811/3/2008Study of NGX267 Oral Capsules in Patients With Xerostomia Associated With Sjorgren's SyndromeA Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Cross Over Study Using a Latin Square Design to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of NGX267 Oral Capsules in Patients With Xerostomia Associated With Sjogren's SyndromeXerostomia;Sjogren's SyndromeDrug: NGX267TorreyPines TherapeuticsNULLCompleted21 Years55 YearsBoth24Phase 2United States
2008/01/0128/01/2008The non-blind test crossover controlled trial how we used a physically unimpaired person volunteer about quantity of salivary secretion increase action of gargle remedy of cevimeline hydrochloride hydrate Xerostomia due to Sjogren`s syndromeIt is a gargle with a test drug(Cevimeline hydrochloride hydrate 30mg+Hachiazule(TM)gargle 2g+distilled water 50cc)for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with false placebo1 (Cevimeline hydrochloride hydrate 9mg+Hachiazule(TM)gargle 2g+distilled water 50cc)for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with false placebo2 (Hachiazule(TM)gargle2g+distilled water 50cc)for two minutes.
It is a gargle with false placebo1 for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with false placebo2 for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with a test drug for two minutes.
It is a gargle with false placebo2 for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with a test drug for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with false placebo1 for two minutes.
It is a gargle with a test drug for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with false placebo2 for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with false placebo1 for two minutes.
It is a gargle with false placebo1 for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with a test drug for two minutes. wash out,It is a gargle with false placebo2 for two minutes.
It is a gargle with false placebo2 for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with false placebo1 for two minutes. wash out, It is a gargle with a test drug for two minutes.
Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery, Tochigi National HospitalNational Institute of Public HealthComplete: follow-up complete20years-old90years-oldMale and Female12Phase 1Japan
November 200620/2/2007A Comparison of Orally Pilocarpine and Artificial Saliva in Xerostomy TreatmentXerostomy Treatment in Patients With Sjogren's Syndrome in Chile :A Double Blind Control Trial Comparing Orally Pilocarpine Drops and Artificial SalivaPrimary Sjogren;Secondary Sjogren;XerostomiaProcedure: pilocarpine;Drug: Artificial SalivaPontificia Universidad Catolica de ChileFormulario MAgistral Farmacias AhumadaCompleted18 YearsN/ABoth76Phase 4Chile
March 20054/10/2005Exploratory Study for Dry Mouth in Patients With Sjögren’s SyndromeAn Exploratory Study of Rebamipide to Evaluate Efficacy and Safety in the Treatment of Dry Mouth in Patients With Sjögren’s SyndromeXerostomia;Sjogren's SyndromeDrug: RebamipideOtsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.NULLCompleted20 YearsN/ABoth100Phase 2Japan