Drug Description in Trials / DrugBank / KEGG DRUG /

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No. Drug (Description in trials) DrugBank KEGG DRUG KEGG GENES KEGG PATHWAY Disease ID
13400930060797----[1] 36
2ABH001[1] ABH001---[1] 36
3AC-203----[1] 36
4AGLE 102----[1] 36
5ALEMTUZUMAB[1] Alemtuzumab[1] D02802 [1] CD52 💬-[17] 13, 15, 19, 20, 36, 43, 44, 46, 51, 60, 63, 65, 85, 96, 164, 283, 284
6ALLANTOIN[1] Allantoin[1] D00121 --[1] 36
7ALLANTOINA----[1] 36
8Allo-APZ2-EB----[1] 36
9Allo-APZ2-OTS----[1] 36
10ALLO-ASC-DFU----[1] 36
11ALLO-ASC-SHEET----[1] 36
13Allogeneic adipose tissue-derived MSC----[1] 36
14Allogeneic mesenchymal stromal cells[1] Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells---[1] 36
15Allogeneic skin-derived ABCB5-positive mesenchymal stem cells----[1] 36
16Allogenic mesenchymal stromal cells[1] Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells---[1] 36
17Alwextin cream----[1] 36
18Anti-Thymocyte Globulin----[18] 11, 13, 14, 36, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 51, 60, 62, 65, 164, 283, 284, 285
19ASC----[4] 36, 51, 96, 97
20AVCN583601 (3% Cannabidiol cream)[1] Cannabidiol[1] D10915 [2] CNR1,
CNR2 💬
[4] Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Rap1 signaling pathway, Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling, Thermogenesis 💬[1] 36
21BIOOPA dressing----[1] 36
22BIRCH BARK EXTRACT[1] Birch bark extract---[1] 36
23Blood test----[6] 36, 51, 107, 113, 162, 299
24Botulinic toxin----[1] 36
25Broccoli[1] Broccoli---[3] 36, 97, 299
26BUSILVEX[1] Busulfan[1] D00248 --[4] 19, 36, 60, 65
27Busulfan[1] Busulfan[1] D00248 --[13] 19, 20, 28, 36, 49, 51, 60, 65, 164, 274, 284, 285, 326
28CALCIPOTRIOL[1] Calcipotriol[1] D01125 [1] VDR 💬[5] Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation, Endocrine and other factor-regulated calcium reabsorption, Mineral absorption, Parathyroid hormone synthesis, secretion and action, Tuberculosis 💬[1] 36
29Cannabidiol[1] Cannabidiol[1] D10915 [2] CNR1,
CNR2 💬
[4] Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Rap1 signaling pathway, Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling, Thermogenesis 💬[18] 6, 8, 13, 36, 46, 95, 96, 97, 140, 144, 145, 156, 157, 158, 193, 206, 226, 271
30CANNABINOL[1] Cannabinol---[1] 36
31Cannabinol (CBN)[1] Cannabinol---[1] 36
32CBD----[13] 2, 6, 8, 13, 36, 46, 51, 140, 144, 145, 156, 158, 206
33CBN----[1] 36
34CCP-020----[1] 36
35Cell transplantation----[1] 36
36COL7A1-SIN retroviral vector engineered autologous tissue-engineered skin----[1] 36
37Control gel----[1] 36
38Cultured allogeneic fibroblasts----[1] 36
39CX501[1] CX501---[1] 36
40Cyclophosphamide[1] Cyclophosphamide[2] D00287 ,
--[44] 11, 13, 14, 16, 19, 20, 26, 28, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 56, 60, 62, 65, 66, 84, 85, 93, 96, 162, 164, 172, 205, 222, 224, 256, 274, 283, 284, 285, 288, 326, 331
41Cyclosporine[1] Cyclosporine[1] D00184 [5] PPP3CA,
PPP3R2 💬
[33] Alzheimer disease, Amphetamine addiction, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Axon guidance, B cell receptor signaling pathway, C-type lectin receptor signaling pathway, Calcium signaling pathway, Cellular senescence, Dopaminergic synapse, Glucagon signaling pathway, Glutamatergic synapse, Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection, Human cytomegalovirus infection, Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection, Lipid and atherosclerosis, Long-term potentiation, MAPK signaling pathway, Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity, Oocyte meiosis, Osteoclast differentiation, Oxytocin signaling pathway, PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer, Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases, Prion disease, Renin secretion, T cell receptor signaling pathway, Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation, Th17 cell differentiation, Tuberculosis, VEGF signaling pathway, Wnt signaling pathway, cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 💬[37] 11, 19, 20, 28, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 49, 50, 53, 56, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 90, 95, 97, 107, 162, 164, 222, 226, 228, 234, 283, 284, 285, 302
42Cyclosporine A[1] Cyclosporine[1] D00184 [5] PPP3CA,
PPP3R2 💬
[33] Alzheimer disease, Amphetamine addiction, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Axon guidance, B cell receptor signaling pathway, C-type lectin receptor signaling pathway, Calcium signaling pathway, Cellular senescence, Dopaminergic synapse, Glucagon signaling pathway, Glutamatergic synapse, Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection, Human cytomegalovirus infection, Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection, Lipid and atherosclerosis, Long-term potentiation, MAPK signaling pathway, Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity, Oocyte meiosis, Osteoclast differentiation, Oxytocin signaling pathway, PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer, Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases, Prion disease, Renin secretion, T cell receptor signaling pathway, Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation, Th17 cell differentiation, Tuberculosis, VEGF signaling pathway, Wnt signaling pathway, cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 💬[11] 19, 20, 36, 49, 50, 53, 58, 60, 107, 234, 283
43Células madre mesenquimales haploidénticas derivadas de médula ósea----[1] 36
44Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol[1] Dronabinol[1] D00306 [2] CNR1,
CNR2 💬
[4] Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Rap1 signaling pathway, Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling, Thermogenesis 💬[3] 8, 13, 36
45DIACEREIN[1] Diacerein[1] D07270 --[3] 36, 46, 63
46Diacerein 1% Ointment[1] Diacerein[1] D07270 --[1] 36
47Diacerin cream----[1] 36
48Donor mesenchymal stem cell infusions----[1] 36
49Dysport[1] Botulinum toxin type A[1] D00783 [1] SNAP25 💬[2] Insulin secretion, Synaptic vesicle cycle 💬[2] 13, 36
50Dysport® (Botulinumtoxin A (Btx A))[1] Botulinum toxin type A[1] D00783 [1] SNAP25 💬[2] Insulin secretion, Synaptic vesicle cycle 💬[1] 36
51EB-101----[1] 36
52EB-101 Surgical application of RDEB wounds----[1] 36
53Episalvan[1] Birch bark extract---[1] 36
54Episalvan gel[1] Birch bark extract---[1] 36
55Erythrocine----[1] 36
56Erythrocine oral----[1] 36
57Erythromycin[1] Erythromycin[1] D00140 --[5] 6, 36, 164, 228, 291
58Erythromycine----[1] 36
59Ex-vivo expanded autologous human keratinocytes suspension containing epidermal stem cells genetically modified with a gamma-retroviral (rv) vector expressing the full-length LAMB3 cDNA.----[1] 36
60FCX-007----[1] 36
61Fibroblasts----[1] 36
62Fludarabine[1] Fludarabine[1] D07966 [1] RRM1 💬[6] Drug metabolism - other enzymes, Glutathione metabolism, Metabolic pathways, Nucleotide metabolism, Purine metabolism, Pyrimidine metabolism 💬[19] 11, 13, 28, 36, 46, 49, 51, 60, 61, 62, 65, 85, 96, 164, 283, 284, 285, 286, 326
63Fludarabine phosphate[2] Fludarabine,
Phosphate ion
[1] D07966 [1] RRM1 💬[6] Drug metabolism - other enzymes, Glutathione metabolism, Metabolic pathways, Nucleotide metabolism, Purine metabolism, Pyrimidine metabolism 💬[12] 28, 36, 49, 51, 60, 62, 65, 96, 283, 284, 285, 286
64Gene-modified autologous fibroblasts----[1] 36
65Genetically corrected cultured epidermal autograft (ATMP)----[1] 36
66Gentamicin[1] Gentamicin[1] D08013 --[3] 36, 113, 299
67Gentamicin Sulfate[2] Gentamicin,
Sulfate ion
[1] D08013 --[1] 36
68Gentamicin sulfate 0.1% ointment[2] Gentamicin,
Sulfate ion
[1] D08013 --[1] 36
69Gentamicin Sulfate, Injectable[2] Gentamicin,
Sulfate ion
[1] D08013 --[1] 36
70Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor[1] Filgrastim[1] D03235 [1] CSF3R 💬[5] Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, Hematopoietic cell lineage, JAK-STAT signaling pathway, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, Pathways in cancer 💬[6] 2, 28, 36, 57, 65, 85
71Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (GCSF)[1] Filgrastim[1] D03235 [1] CSF3R 💬[5] Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, Hematopoietic cell lineage, JAK-STAT signaling pathway, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, Pathways in cancer 💬[2] 36, 57
72Hologene 5----[1] 36
73Hologene 5 DS----[1] 36
74HOLOGENE17----[1] 36
75HOLOGENE7----[1] 36
76HP802-247----[1] 36
77Human allogeneic adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells expanded----[1] 36
78Human Allogeneic WJ-MSCs[1] Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells---[1] 36
79Human dermal fibroblasts cultured on a bioresorbable polyglactin mesh----[1] 36
80Human fibroblast-derived dermal substitute, Dermagraft----[1] 36
81Human Umbilical Cord Blood-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells----[1] 36
82ICX-RHY-013----[1] 36
83Infectogenta----[1] 36
84INM-755----[1] 36
85INM-755 (cannabinol) cream[1] Cannabinol---[1] 36
86Isotretinoin[1] Isotretinoin[1] D00348 [2] RARA,
[8] Acute myeloid leukemia, Estrogen signaling pathway, Gastric cancer, Non-small cell lung cancer, Pathways in cancer, Small cell lung cancer, Th17 cell differentiation, Transcriptional misregulation in cancer 💬[4] 36, 39, 159, 160
87Ixekizumab[1] Ixekizumab[1] D10071 [1] IL17A 💬[6] Alcoholic liver disease, Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, IL-17 signaling pathway, Inflammatory bowel disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Th17 cell differentiation 💬[8] 36, 37, 46, 107, 160, 162, 269, 271
88Jojoba oil[1] Jojoba oil---[1] 36
89Jojoba oil with broccoli sprout extract[2] Broccoli,
Jojoba oil
---[1] 36
90Lorazepam[1] Lorazepam[1] D00365 [16] GABRA1,
[7] GABAergic synapse, Morphine addiction, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Nicotine addiction, Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling, Serotonergic synapse, Taste transduction 💬[1] 36
91Losartan[1] Losartan[1] D08146 [1] AGTR1 💬[16] AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications, Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Apelin signaling pathway, Calcium signaling pathway, Coronavirus disease - COVID-19, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Diabetic cardiomyopathy, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Pathways in cancer, Phospholipase D signaling pathway, Renin secretion, Renin-angiotensin system, Vascular smooth muscle contraction, cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 💬[17] 17, 19, 36, 58, 66, 67, 85, 96, 97, 98, 113, 164, 167, 179, 215, 222, 299
92Losartan HEXAL[1] Losartan[1] D08146 [1] AGTR1 💬[16] AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications, Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Apelin signaling pathway, Calcium signaling pathway, Coronavirus disease - COVID-19, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Diabetic cardiomyopathy, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Pathways in cancer, Phospholipase D signaling pathway, Renin secretion, Renin-angiotensin system, Vascular smooth muscle contraction, cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 💬[1] 36
[2] D08146 ,
[1] AGTR1 💬[16] AGE-RAGE signaling pathway in diabetic complications, Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, Aldosterone synthesis and secretion, Apelin signaling pathway, Calcium signaling pathway, Coronavirus disease - COVID-19, Cortisol synthesis and secretion, Cushing syndrome, Diabetic cardiomyopathy, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Pathways in cancer, Phospholipase D signaling pathway, Renin secretion, Renin-angiotensin system, Vascular smooth muscle contraction, cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 💬[5] 36, 98, 167, 179, 215
94LZRSE-Col7A1 Engineered Autologous Epidermal Sheets----[1] 36
95Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs)----[4] 13, 36, 96, 97
96Mesenchymal stem cells derived from bone marrow (BM-MSCs)----[1] 36
97Mesenchymal Stem Cells extracted from bone marrow----[1] 36
98Mesenchymal Stromal Cells[1] Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells---[10] 2, 36, 49, 51, 60, 96, 97, 107, 274, 284
99Methoxsalen[1] Methoxsalen[1] D00139 --[3] 36, 46, 96
100Morphine[1] Morphine[1] D08233 [1] OPRM1 💬[3] Estrogen signaling pathway, Morphine addiction, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 💬[5] 36, 46, 70, 85, 86
101Morphine sulphate in intrasite gel[1] Morphine[1] D08233 [1] OPRM1 💬[3] Estrogen signaling pathway, Morphine addiction, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 💬[1] 36
102Mycophenolate[1] Mycophenolic acid[1] D05096 [2] IMPDH1,
[4] Drug metabolism - other enzymes, Metabolic pathways, Nucleotide metabolism, Purine metabolism 💬[36] 2, 11, 13, 19, 20, 28, 35, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 51, 53, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 84, 85, 93, 95, 96, 162, 164, 222, 224, 226, 228, 234, 283, 284, 285, 300
103Mycophenolate mofetil[2] Mycophenolate mofetil,
Mycophenolic acid
[2] D00752 ,
[2] IMPDH1,
[4] Drug metabolism - other enzymes, Metabolic pathways, Nucleotide metabolism, Purine metabolism 💬[34] 2, 11, 13, 19, 20, 28, 35, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 49, 51, 53, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 85, 93, 95, 96, 162, 164, 222, 224, 226, 234, 283, 284, 285, 300
104Na----[3] 36, 46, 85
105Normal Saline----[18] 6, 13, 17, 22, 36, 46, 49, 60, 70, 94, 96, 210, 211, 226, 271, 276, 296, 299
106Oleogel-S10[1] Birch bark extract---[1] 36
107ON 01910.NA----[1] 36
108Open Label Topical Beremagene Geperpavec (B-VEC)----[1] 36
109Oral erythromycin[1] Erythromycin[1] D00140 --[1] 36
110Palifermin[1] Palifermin[1] D05338 [1] FGFR2 💬[13] Calcium signaling pathway, Central carbon metabolism in cancer, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance, Endocytosis, Gastric cancer, MAPK signaling pathway, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, Pathways in cancer, Prostate cancer, Rap1 signaling pathway, Ras signaling pathway, Regulation of actin cytoskeleton, Signaling pathways regulating pluripotency of stem cells 💬[5] 13, 36, 38, 39, 65
111Phosphate[1] Phosphate ion---[32] 2, 3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 28, 36, 46, 49, 51, 53, 60, 62, 65, 70, 78, 81, 83, 90, 96, 97, 164, 235, 238, 256, 276, 283, 284, 285, 286, 299
112Polyphenon E----[2] 13, 36
113Potassium[1] Potassium[1] D08403 --[13] 36, 46, 66, 67, 88, 93, 94, 98, 115, 167, 179, 215, 235
114Pregabalin[1] Pregabalin[1] D02716 [4] CACNA2D1,
[7] Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy, Cardiac muscle contraction, Dilated cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, MAPK signaling pathway, Oxytocin signaling pathway 💬[5] 13, 36, 46, 70, 298
115Psorcutan-Ointment----[1] 36
116PTR-01----[1] 36
117PTW-002 10 mg/g gel----[1] 36
118QR-313----[1] 36
119QR-313 Gel for Topical (Cutaneous) Administration----[1] 36
120REGE pro dressing----[1] 36
121Rigosertib[1] Rigosertib[1] D10154 [1] PLK1 💬[4] Cell cycle, FoxO signaling pathway, Oocyte meiosis, Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 💬[1] 36
122Rigosertib Oral Capsules / Rigosertib Intravenous[1] Rigosertib[1] D10154 [1] PLK1 💬[4] Cell cycle, FoxO signaling pathway, Oocyte meiosis, Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 💬[1] 36
123Rigosertib Sodium[1] Rigosertib[1] D10154 [1] PLK1 💬[4] Cell cycle, FoxO signaling pathway, Oocyte meiosis, Progesterone-mediated oocyte maturation 💬[1] 36
124RITUXIMAB[1] Rituximab[1] D02994 [1] MS4A1 💬[1] Hematopoietic cell lineage 💬[48] 11, 13, 14, 19, 26, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 83, 84, 85, 86, 93, 94, 96, 97, 162, 222, 229, 256, 271, 274, 283, 284, 285, 288, 296, 300, 331
125Ropivacaine[1] Ropivacaine[1] D08490 [5] SCN1A,
[3] Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, Dopaminergic synapse, Taste transduction 💬[4] 22, 36, 46, 70
126SASS----[1] 36
127SD-101----[1] 36
128SD-101 dermal cream (3%)----[1] 36
129SD-101 Dermal Cream (6%)----[1] 36
130SD-101-6.0 cream----[1] 36
131Sericare----[1] 36
132Sericare®----[1] 36
133Serlopitant[1] Serlopitant[1] D09378 [1] TACR1 💬[2] Calcium signaling pathway, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 💬[1] 36
134Serlopitant Tablet[1] Serlopitant[1] D09378 [1] TACR1 💬[2] Calcium signaling pathway, Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction 💬[1] 36
135SimpleCare----[1] 36
136SIN LV Mediated ex vivo transduced autologous fibroblasts expressing codon-optimised COL7A1----[1] 36
137SIN RV-mediated COL7A1 corrected autologous skin equivalent----[1] 36
138Sirolimus[1] Sirolimus[1] D00753 [1] MTOR 💬[51] AMPK signaling pathway, Acute myeloid leukemia, Adipocytokine signaling pathway, Alzheimer disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Apelin signaling pathway, Autophagy - animal, Autophagy - other, Breast cancer, Cellular senescence, Central carbon metabolism in cancer, Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation, Choline metabolism in cancer, Colorectal cancer, Diabetic cardiomyopathy, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance, Endocrine resistance, ErbB signaling pathway, Gastric cancer, Glioma, Growth hormone synthesis, secretion and action, HIF-1 signaling pathway, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Herpes simplex virus 1 infection, Human cytomegalovirus infection, Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection, Human papillomavirus infection, Huntington disease, Insulin resistance, Insulin signaling pathway, JAK-STAT signaling pathway, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection, Longevity regulating pathway, Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species, MicroRNAs in cancer, Neutrophil extracellular trap formation, PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, Pancreatic cancer, Pathways in cancer, Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases, Phospholipase D signaling pathway, Prostate cancer, Proteoglycans in cancer, Shigellosis, Spinocerebellar ataxia, Th17 cell differentiation, Thermogenesis, Thyroid hormone signaling pathway, Type II diabetes mellitus, mTOR signaling pathway 💬[35] 13, 15, 17, 19, 34, 35, 36, 46, 49, 51, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 84, 85, 86, 89, 98, 137, 157, 158, 192, 222, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 300, 331
139Sirolimus 2%[1] Sirolimus[1] D00753 [1] MTOR 💬[51] AMPK signaling pathway, Acute myeloid leukemia, Adipocytokine signaling pathway, Alzheimer disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Apelin signaling pathway, Autophagy - animal, Autophagy - other, Breast cancer, Cellular senescence, Central carbon metabolism in cancer, Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation, Choline metabolism in cancer, Colorectal cancer, Diabetic cardiomyopathy, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance, Endocrine resistance, ErbB signaling pathway, Gastric cancer, Glioma, Growth hormone synthesis, secretion and action, HIF-1 signaling pathway, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Herpes simplex virus 1 infection, Human cytomegalovirus infection, Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection, Human papillomavirus infection, Huntington disease, Insulin resistance, Insulin signaling pathway, JAK-STAT signaling pathway, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection, Longevity regulating pathway, Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species, MicroRNAs in cancer, Neutrophil extracellular trap formation, PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, Pancreatic cancer, Pathways in cancer, Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases, Phospholipase D signaling pathway, Prostate cancer, Proteoglycans in cancer, Shigellosis, Spinocerebellar ataxia, Th17 cell differentiation, Thermogenesis, Thyroid hormone signaling pathway, Type II diabetes mellitus, mTOR signaling pathway 💬[2] 36, 192
140Sirolimus, 2%[1] Sirolimus[1] D00753 [1] MTOR 💬[51] AMPK signaling pathway, Acute myeloid leukemia, Adipocytokine signaling pathway, Alzheimer disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Apelin signaling pathway, Autophagy - animal, Autophagy - other, Breast cancer, Cellular senescence, Central carbon metabolism in cancer, Chemical carcinogenesis - receptor activation, Choline metabolism in cancer, Colorectal cancer, Diabetic cardiomyopathy, EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor resistance, Endocrine resistance, ErbB signaling pathway, Gastric cancer, Glioma, Growth hormone synthesis, secretion and action, HIF-1 signaling pathway, Hepatocellular carcinoma, Herpes simplex virus 1 infection, Human cytomegalovirus infection, Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection, Human papillomavirus infection, Huntington disease, Insulin resistance, Insulin signaling pathway, JAK-STAT signaling pathway, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection, Longevity regulating pathway, Longevity regulating pathway - multiple species, MicroRNAs in cancer, Neutrophil extracellular trap formation, PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer, PI3K-Akt signaling pathway, Pancreatic cancer, Pathways in cancer, Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases, Phospholipase D signaling pathway, Prostate cancer, Proteoglycans in cancer, Shigellosis, Spinocerebellar ataxia, Th17 cell differentiation, Thermogenesis, Thyroid hormone signaling pathway, Type II diabetes mellitus, mTOR signaling pathway 💬[2] 36, 192
141Sulfate[1] Sulfate ion---[27] 2, 3, 6, 11, 13, 26, 28, 34, 36, 46, 49, 53, 60, 64, 66, 85, 86, 96, 111, 218, 222, 224, 226, 265, 296, 297, 299
142Tacrolimus[1] Tacrolimus[2] D00107 ,
[5] PPP3CA,
PPP3R2 💬
[33] Alzheimer disease, Amphetamine addiction, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Axon guidance, B cell receptor signaling pathway, C-type lectin receptor signaling pathway, Calcium signaling pathway, Cellular senescence, Dopaminergic synapse, Glucagon signaling pathway, Glutamatergic synapse, Human T-cell leukemia virus 1 infection, Human cytomegalovirus infection, Human immunodeficiency virus 1 infection, Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus infection, Lipid and atherosclerosis, Long-term potentiation, MAPK signaling pathway, Natural killer cell mediated cytotoxicity, Oocyte meiosis, Osteoclast differentiation, Oxytocin signaling pathway, PD-L1 expression and PD-1 checkpoint pathway in cancer, Pathways of neurodegeneration - multiple diseases, Prion disease, Renin secretion, T cell receptor signaling pathway, Th1 and Th2 cell differentiation, Th17 cell differentiation, Tuberculosis, VEGF signaling pathway, Wnt signaling pathway, cGMP-PKG signaling pathway 💬[34] 2, 6, 11, 13, 36, 46, 49, 50, 51, 53, 56, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 85, 95, 96, 97, 113, 151, 158, 164, 222, 224, 226, 227, 228, 283, 284, 285, 286, 299
143Taltz[1] Ixekizumab[1] D10071 [1] IL17A 💬[6] Alcoholic liver disease, Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, IL-17 signaling pathway, Inflammatory bowel disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Th17 cell differentiation 💬[3] 36, 107, 271
144Taltz 80mg[1] Ixekizumab[1] D10071 [1] IL17A 💬[6] Alcoholic liver disease, Cytokine-cytokine receptor interaction, IL-17 signaling pathway, Inflammatory bowel disease, Rheumatoid arthritis, Th17 cell differentiation 💬[1] 36
145TC-MSC----[2] 36, 107
146Tetracyclin[1] Tetracycline[1] D00201 --[1] 36
147Tetrahydrocannabinol[1] Dronabinol[1] D00306 [2] CNR1,
CNR2 💬
[4] Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, Rap1 signaling pathway, Retrograde endocannabinoid signaling, Thermogenesis 💬[4] 8, 13, 36, 298
148THC----[5] 8, 13, 36, 46, 96
149Thymoglobulin[1] Antithymocyte immunoglobulin (rabbit)---[7] 36, 51, 60, 65, 96, 285, 326
150THYMOGLOBULINE[1] Antithymocyte immunoglobulin (rabbit)---[5] 13, 36, 51, 60, 96
151Thymosin Beta 4[1] Thymosin beta-4---[2] 36, 53
152Topical beremagene geperpavec----[1] 36
153Topical BPM31510 3.0% Cream----[1] 36
154Topical opiod----[1] 36
155Transduced keratinocytes suspension, containing epidermal stem cells genetically corrected with a COL17A1-encoding retroviral vector----[1] 36
156Transduced keratinocytes suspension, containing epidermal stem cells genetically corrected with a COL7A1-encoding retroviral vector----[1] 36
157Transduced keratinocytes suspension, containing epidermal stem cells genetically corrected with a COL7A1-encoding retroviral vector, obtained from secondary culture of ex vivo expanded autologous human keratinocytes.----[1] 36
158Transvamix (100mg/mL THC, 50mg/mL CBD)----[1] 36
159Trimethoprim[1] Trimethoprim[1] D00145 --[7] 36, 44, 49, 60, 61, 85, 299
160Triterpene dry extract from birch cork----[1] 36
161Unavailable----[1] 36
162Vehicle----[4] 6, 36, 160, 192
163Vehicle (SD-101 0%)----[1] 36
164Vehicle Cream----[1] 36
165VPD-737----[1] 36
167WJ-MSCs[1] Human Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal Stem Cells---[1] 36
168Zorblisa----[1] 36