Disease The intractable diseases designated by MHLW, Japan

Diseases : 338 - Clinical trials : 34,520 / Drugs : 19,957 - ( DrugBank : 2,195 ) / Drug target genes : 613 - Drug target pathways : 297

Disease group: Endocrine diseases  
ID Disease name [Group] Clinical trial
Phase 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
[ DrugBank ]
Target gene
Target pathway
Domestic patients (1) MHLW,
(2) Med expenses recipients (FY2021)
 72 Pituitary ADH secretion disorder [Endo] 💬
"Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion", "Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone", "Inappropriate ADH syndrome", "Syndrome of inappropriate ADH", "Central diabetes insipidus", "Syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH", "SIADH"
 41 trials 
 2 / 8 / 16 / 3 💬 
 27 drugs 
 [ 8 drugs
 7 genes 
 10 pathways 
(1) [Disease ID 72-78 total] 17,069 patients
(2) 3,701 patients
Age distribution💬
 73 TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma [Endo] 💬
"Pituitary TSH secretion hyperthyroidism"
 1 trial 
 0 / 0 / 1 / 0 💬 
 3 drugs 
 [ 2 drugs
 (1) [Disease ID 72-78 total] 17,069 patients
(2) 173 patients
Age distribution💬
 74 Prolactin secreting pituitary adenoma [Endo] 💬
"Pituitary PRL secretion hyperthyroidism", "Prolactinoma", "Prolactin secreting adenoma"
 19 trials 
 3 / 6 / 1 / 1 💬 
 28 drugs 
 [ 10 drugs
 14 genes 
 65 pathways 
(1) [Disease ID 72-78 total] 17,069 patients
(2) 2,177 patients
Age distribution💬
 75 Cushing disease [Endo] 💬
 205 trials 
 126 / 86 / 92 / 38 💬 
 176 drugs 
 [ 45 drugs
 61 genes 
 127 pathways 
(1) [Disease ID 72-78 total] 17,069 patients
(2) 911 patients
Age distribution💬
 76 Pituitary gonadotropin secretion hyperthyroidism [Endo] 💬
"Gonadotropin secreting pituitary adenoma", "Central precocious puberty", "Gonadotropin producing pituitary adenoma"
 29 trials 
 0 / 0 / 10 / 8 💬 
 44 drugs 
 [ 14 drugs
 5 genes 
 15 pathways 
(1) [Disease ID 72-78 total] 17,069 patients
(2) 36 patients
Age distribution💬
 77 Growth hormone secreting pituitary adenoma [Endo] 💬
"Pituitary growth hormone secretion hyperthyroidism"
 1 trial 
 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 💬 
 1 drug 
 [ 1 drug
 2 genes 
 20 pathways 
(1) [Disease ID 72-78 total] 17,069 patients
(2) 4,388 patients
Age distribution💬
 78 Hypopituitarism [Endo] 💬
"Anterior pituitary hypothyroidism", "Syndrome of abnormal secretion of gonadotropin", "Hyposecretion of gonadotropins", "Adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency", "ACTH deficiency", "Thyroid-stimulating hormone deficiency", "TSH deficiency", "Growth hormone deficiency", "GH deficiency", "GHD", "Childhood GHD", "Childhood-onset GHD", "CGHD", "Adult GHD", "Adult-onset GHD", "AGHD", "Prolactin deficiency", "PRL deficiency"
 492 trials 
 130 / 105 / 159 / 65 💬 
 341 drugs 
 [ 47 drugs
 45 genes 
 100 pathways 
(1) [Disease ID 72-78 total] 17,069 patients
(2) 19,006 patients
Age distribution💬
 80 Resistance to thyroid hormone [Endo] 💬
"Syndrome of resistance to thyroid hormone", "Thyroid hormone insensitivity syndrome", "Refetoff syndrome", "RTH"
 1 trial 
 1 / 0 / 0 / 0 💬 
 5 drugs 
 [ 3 drugs
 3 genes 
 3 pathways 
(1) About 3,000 patients (By the research group)
(2) 45 patients
Age distribution💬
 81 Congenital adrenal hyperplasia [Endo] 💬
"CAH", "Congenital adrenal enzyme deficiency", "Congenial adrenal cortex enzyme deficiency", "Congenital Lipoid Adrenal Hyperplasia", "3β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Deficiency", "21-Hydroxylase deficiency", "21-OHD", "11β-Hydroxylase deficiency", "17α-Hydroxylase deficiency", "P450 oxidoreductase deficiency", "Aldosterone synthase deficiency"
 87 trials 
 30 / 40 / 39 / 6 💬 
 87 drugs 
 [ 23 drugs
 12 genes 
 68 pathways 
(1) About 1,800 patients
(2) 945 patients
Age distribution💬
 82 Congenital adrenal hypoplasia [Endo] 💬
"X-linked congenital adrenal hypoplasia", "DAX-1 deficiency", "Congenital adrenal hypoplasia, autosomal recessive form", "Steroidogenic factor-1 deficiency", "SF-1 deficiency", "SF-1/Ad4BP deficiency", "IMAGe syndrome"
   (1) About 1,000 patients
(2) 52 patients
Age distribution💬
 83 Addison disease [Endo] 💬
"Primary chronic adrenocortical insufficiency", "Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome", "Hypoparathyroidism-Addison-Monilia syndrome", "HAM syndrome", "Schmidt syndrome"
 20 trials 
 6 / 5 / 3 / 6 💬 
 39 drugs 
 [ 13 drugs
 6 genes 
 18 pathways 
(1) About 1,000 patients (By the research group)
(2) 327 patients
Age distribution💬
 233 Wolfram syndrome [Endo] 💬
"Diabetes Insipidus, Diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness syndrome", "DIDMOAD syndrome"
 11 trials 
 6 / 10 / 2 / 1 💬 
 17 drugs 
 [ 8 drugs
 12 genes 
 41 pathways 
(1) About 200 patients
(2) 12 patients
Age distribution💬
 235 Hypoparathyroidism [Endo] 💬
"Accessory thyroid hypergasia disease"
 88 trials 
 16 / 20 / 38 / 18 💬 
 107 drugs 
 [ 24 drugs
 5 genes 
 7 pathways 
(1) About 900 patients
(2) 302 patients
Age distribution💬
 236 Pseudohypoparathyroidism [Endo] 💬
"PHP", "PHP1a", "PHP1b", "PHP1c", "PHP2"
 3 trials 
 0 / 2 / 0 / 0 💬 
 3 drugs 
 [ 2 drugs
 18 genes 
 23 pathways 
(1) About 400 patients
(2) 116 patients
Age distribution💬
 237 ACTH unresponsiveness [Endo] 💬
"Adrenocorticotropic hormone unresponsiveness", "Adrenocorticotropic hormone insensitivity", "Triple A syndrome", "Allgrove syndrome"
   (1) Less than 100 patients
(2) 14 patients
Age distribution💬
 239 Vitamin D-dependent rickets [Endo] 💬
"Vitamin D-dependent osteomalacia", "VDDR", "Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 1", "VDDR1", "Vitamin D-dependent rickets type 2", "VDDR2"
   (1) Less than 100 patients
(2) 5 patients
Age distribution💬