
Major Characteristics

Ocular coloboma Coloboma of the iris, retina, choroid, disc; microphthalmos
Choanal atresia or stenosis 1, 2 Unilateral/bilateral: bony or membranous atresia/stenosis

Cranial nerve dysfunction or anomaly

I: hyposmia or anosmia
VII: facial palsy (unilateral or bilateral)
VIII: hypoplasia of auditory nerve
IX/X: swallowing problems with aspiration
Characteristic CHARGE syndrome ear

Minor Characteristics

Genital hypoplasia

Males: micropenis, cryptorchidismFemales: hypoplastic labia
Males and females: delayed puberty secondary to hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Developmental delay  Delayed milestones, hypotonia
Cardiovascular malformation Including conotruncal defects (e.g., tetralogy of Fallot), AV canal defects, and aortic arch anomalies
Growth deficiency Short stature, usually postnatal with or without growth hormone deficiency
Orofacial cleft Cleft lip and/or palate
Tracheoesophageal (TE) fistula TE defects of all types

Distinctive facial features

Square face with broad prominent forehead, prominent nasal bridge and columella, flat midface


Definite CHARGE syndrome : Four major characteristics or three major and three minor characteristics

Probable/possible CHARGE syndrome : one or two major characteristics and several minor characteristics



下記の必発症状を有する症例のうち、大症状2以上または大症状1+小症状2を有する症例をCHARGE 症候群と診断


  1. 耳介奇形を伴う両側性難聴
  2. 低身長
  3. 発達遅滞


  1. 眼コロボーマ(種類を問わない)
  2. 「後鼻孔閉鎖または口蓋裂」
  3. 顔面神経麻痺または非対称な顔


  1. 心奇形
  2. 食道気管支奇形
  3. 矮小陰茎または停留精巣(男児)または小陰唇低形成(女児)